Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Frank Rich for Boxing Day

Monday, December 26, 2005

Frank Rich for Boxing Day

The last family members arrived yesterday evening, so all the expected relatives are now in the D.C. area. We had a bit of opening Christmas gifts on the day itself, but we'll open most of our gifts and have a Christmas meal today, Boxing Day or St. Stephen's Day. Since we've now got a full contingent, Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk blogging will probably be a bit light for the next few days (though I'm still intending to post at least something new every day). I'd decided that I was only going to put up the one comics cover for Christmas day, but since Christmas came on Sunday, it coincided with a new Frank Rich column, so here's Rich a day late: "I Saw Jackie Mason Kissing Santa Claus," once again courtesy of donkey o.d. He's got good news--the War on Christmas is over, and Christmas won! Who'da thunk it?


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