Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Getting Worse

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Getting Worse

The Israel-Hezbollah conflict is heating up further. Israel has sent troops across the border into Lebanon (although they're saying there aren't that many of them--yet). Neither side seems at all prepared to back down, and all the Prez seems able to do is make news that has the media debating whether or not it's fit to print. (The least he could do is offer to pay the $325,000 if anybody gets fined).

In another late-breaking development, the US government has backed off its decision to charge Americans the cost of their evacuation. I'm not sure what's to be gained by subverting market forces in this situation. There's a mint to be made by some plucky entrepreneur willing to evacuate the highest bidders--too bad it's not allowed by the socialist State Department.


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