Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Ooops! Maybe We Should Look at That Again

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ooops! Maybe We Should Look at That Again

For quite some time, one of the main arguments against global warning was the fact that satellites monitoring equatorial temperatures were not showing significant rises and, in fact, sometimes recorded slightly lower than historical temperatures. Now we know why.

Apparently, the satellites had shifted in their normal orbits, which affected the timing of the measurements. Some of the temperatures recorded as daytime temps had actually been recorded during the nighttime. An error like that could actually affect the data, as well as the scientific conclusions based on it. Once scientists made the necessary corrections, guess what happened. The new readings lined up with other global warming numbers just as scientists had said they would. Imagine that.

This has taken one more arrow out of the anti-global warming quiver. Will it be enough to win new converts to the theory of global warming? Don't count on it. Religious fundamentalists are very used to ignoring inconvenient facts that get in the way of their dogma. And the fact that USAToday put the story on page 3 means that nobody will even be paying attention to the issue in a week's time.


At 7:28 AM, August 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They probably took the readings in F. when they meant to take them in C. That is how you explain the error. In other parts of the world they do use a different number system

At 2:36 AM, August 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But F readings would be higher than C. A temperature of 70 degrees would be quite pleasant in F. But 70 degrees C is alarmingly hot. If that were the error they'd been making, they'd have been far more up in arms over global warming.


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