Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Who'll Be Left to Read This?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Who'll Be Left to Read This?

As midnight creeps closer, we're bearing down on the date 6/6/6, and that's got to be trouble. Is it Armageddon? Will the world end sometime tomorrow?

Of course, it's really 06/06/2006. And nothing much happened last century on this date. Or the century before that. Or every century since the Gregorian calendar was adopted 500 years ago, or even since the Julian calendar back in the BC days. Of course, I could be wrong. There's a new Ann Coulter book (I'm not linking to that--go google it yourself if you have to see!) coming out.

If you're still determined that the 6/6/6 means something, you might want to register a bet. An AP article claims that was offering 100,000-1 odds of an apocalypse (with a $500 maximum bet), but I wonder if they were getting too many takers, because the odds were only 10-1 when I checked a few minutes ago. Do they know something we don't? Actually, it doesn't really matter. Why would they drop the odds so drastically? It's not like they'll ever pay out. If the world lasts until 6/7/6 (or 7.6.6 for our international friends), they'll have won the bets and have no payout. If it doesn't make it and expires tomorrow, the bookies will have lost, but there'll be no one left to collect anyway. Why not make the sky the limit?


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