Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Gore Rallies Opposition

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gore Rallies Opposition

If you've been wandering around the greater blogoplex area at all over the past day or two, you've come across at least one link to Al Gore's barn-burning speech to the American Constitution Society and the Liberty Coalition at Constitution Hall yesterday. Don quotes part of it at Article 19, Kevin Drum quotes a different section, and Atrios quotes still another part. The short version is that Gore called for a special prosecutor to investigate White House law-breaking in ordering the surveillance of American citizens. The whole thing is worth your time, though, so here's my requisite link, too. Or, in light of our discussion yesterday about how Martin Luther King's words are more powerful when experienced rather than just read, you can watch the C-Span video.

The Bushies are apparently concerned. They wasted no time in getting Alberto Gonzales out to use the "they did it first" defense and smear the Clinton Administration (Think Progress explains how he got his facts wrong) and having Scotty-boy McClellan call Gore a hypocrite. I won't quote it, but here's Gore's response to that.


At 7:03 PM, January 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I think reading it is as effective in this case. I was a bit disappointed when I didn't hear the same emotion in Gore's voice that I imagined when I read it.

At 7:08 PM, January 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I take that back. I'm getting to some emotional parts now....


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