Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: I Forgot, Forgot the Fifth of November

Monday, November 05, 2007

I Forgot, Forgot the Fifth of November

Ugh. Here's another late comics cover intended to commemorate a day that's already mostly passed. Fortunately, like Halloween, Guy Fawkes Day celebrations take place primarily at night, so that's still ahead of us.

Here's part of what Alan Moore had to say about his country almost twenty years ago in the introduction to the comic above.

Margaret Thatcher is entering her third term of office and talking confidently of an unbroken Conservative leadership well into the next century. My youngest daughter is seven and the tabloid press are circulating the idea of concentration camps for persons with AIDS. The new riot police wear black visors, as do their horses, and their vans have rotating video cameras mounted on top. The government has expressed a desire to eradicate homosexuality, even as an abstract concept, and one can only speculate as to which minority will be the next legislated against. I'm thinking of taking my family and getting out of this country soon, sometime over the next couple of years. It's cold and it's mean spirited and I don't like it here anymore.

Come to your own conclusions.


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