Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: It's Vacation Time

Thursday, August 09, 2007

It's Vacation Time

The Prez today had a press conference in which he said Congress should look at their Spending priorities if they need to find more money on bridges, because raising taxes is never the answer. Oh yeah, and we should cut taxes, too. Scooter Libby was held accountable for his wrongdoing. Alberto Gonzales hasn't done anything wrong. If you just look in the right places, you can find that everything's going great in Iraq. And the economy's doing great.

Then he promptly went on vacation. He said that the Iraqi "leaders are learning to be leaders." And apparently they're learning from the best, because they're famously on vacation for the month of August, themselves. Congress, by the way, started their vacation earlier this week.

Of course, maybe Congress and the Prez are right, that Washington is not the place to be in August. Toward the end of last week, Trent Lott, Senate Republicans' second in command, warned everybody that Washington probably wasn't a safe place to be for the next month or so. "I think it would be good to leave town in August, and it would probably be good to stay out until September the 12th." So it's not just a vacation--it's good national policy.

Me? I've got too much to do. There's no vacation for me for the time being.


At 3:01 PM, August 10, 2007, Blogger Stevie T said...

Brilliant piece of evidence showing the Iraqi leadership learning from the best.... Other tests of learning could include the percent-of-statements-that-are-lies test, the saying-one-thing-but-doing-another test, and of course the not-listening-to-polls test.

At 7:36 PM, August 10, 2007, Blogger Stuart Shea said...

Get back to work, Mr. Tonks. The country needs you.


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