Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Site Update

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Site Update

I've had two posts in a row now that have mentioned that some of my blog roll links are out of date, so I guess that means that I should fix them. So I did. For obvious reasons, I didn't want to interrupt my last post to announce some housekeeping, but when I was in there updating Gilliard's address, I updated the others, as well. Some of them had unfortunately gone defunct, others I found I rarely looked in on these days, and I added a couple of others that are new (as I promised I would for Todd Allen's Comic Book Publishing Follies) or that I didn't know why I hadn't added them earlier. A few others had shifted their addresses, so although the links are not new, they'll link to wherever the site actually appears these days. A few readers click through to some of them every now and again, but I promise that you'll find at least a little bit of interest (or, at least, of interest to me) at any one of them.

The next step, obviously, would be a new site design, because this one is getting a bit long in the tooth after more than two years. While I'd love that to happen, I have to acknowledge that it's not on the drawing board for the foreseeable future. In the meantime, though, Happy surfing.


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