Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: What We've Learned

Friday, June 09, 2006

What We've Learned

Well, not a whole heck of a lot, really. One thing I learned is that posting from e-mail under certain conditions will screw up the fonts on the whole rest of the page. (Fortunately, I fixed the problem once Blogger came back to life, so most readers never had to suffer through the experience.) I also learned that I'm not at all comfortable with a post called "Down for Maintenance" at the top of the blog, which is why I'm posting this essentially contentless post now. I've been under deadline all day, so I haven't had time to look around at what's going on and to post anything with actual content, but I promise to put up something worth stopping for by later this evening. And it's Friday night, anyway. Who in their right mind is surfing around to blogs?

(My apologies to all who have surfed my way this lovely Friday evening--I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your priorities.)


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