Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Blackberry Blogging

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Blackberry Blogging

I've often wondered whether I could write and post blog entry from my Blackberry. Although I'm not entirely without computer access at the moment, the access I do have is limited and not particularly convenient, so I'm giving it a try. On the Blackberry side, though, I'm not at all used to the tiny little keyboard that I essentially have to use with my fingernails, so--for the time being, at least, any Blackberry blogging will by necessity be short.

I've already tried one function that got me nowhere with the Blackberry, so it's possible that all this fingernail typing will be for naught. But in appreciation for your sitting through my little experiment, I'm providing at least a little bit of content. Check out this story in today's New York Times about the Prez's fabulous Medicare drug plan. It seems that a number of cancer patients are having to forego cancer pills they've successfully been taking because they've hit upon the donut-hole section of the plan and can no longer afford it. I guess this is just another example of what it means to be a compassionate conservative.

(It seems, unfortuntely, that the Blackberry keyboard doesn't have all the characters necessary for writing hypertext, so initial readers will have to copy and paste this link to get the story themselves. I'll fix it online as soon as I can.
Hey! It worked! Link fixed above.)


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