Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Bush's Facade of Lies

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bush's Facade of Lies

I have to wonder if The New York Times's legal department sent a letter out to truthout, because their main page offers no links to Frank Rich or any other NYTimes columnist. Perhaps the Times finally got wise to truthout's posting of their "Select" columnists, who they so considerately hid behind a subscription curtain a few months ago. I looked around for a few minutes to see if there was some sort of explanation, but none could be found. I couldn't come up with any mention of it from other Websites or blogs, so this is entirely speculation on my part. We'll see if any of the Times columnists show up there again, but I wouldn't be putting money down on it.

Although truthout was a reliable source for Rich for quite some time, it was never the only free outlet, and his latest column, "It Takes a Potemkim Village," can be found in a number of places. I'm linking to Ed Strong, who seems to be one of the first bloggers to feature the column today. Rich examines the superstructure of lies that the Bush Administration, not constrained by the actual conditions on the ground and life as it truly as like those of us in the reality-based community, has built to insist that the U.S. is winning in Iraq, that the insurgency is in its last throes, and that, while we're at it, Brownie did a heck of a job.


At 5:47 PM, December 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. I always look forward to it.


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