Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Don't Worry! It's Not as Bad as We Thought

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Don't Worry! It's Not as Bad as We Thought

At a news conference today, Nancy Pelosi related a conversation she had with the President in which he didn't seem to think things were so bad. After she suggested that he fire FEMA Director Michael Brown, Bush asked, "Why would I do that?" Well, let's let Nancy tell it:

I said, "Because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week." And he said "What didn't go right?"

Oblivious, in denial, dangerous.

I guess. If you want to watch it yourself, Crooks and Liars has the video. (To do my part in the back-and-forth he said, she said, I'll note that Scott McClellan and Dan Bartlett both argued Pelosi's statement is incorrect.)


At 11:43 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger Don said...

I haven't found any further record of their conversation, but I kinda wish Pelosi had answered Bush's question ("What didn't go right?") instead of just relaying it. Maybe she did, but if so, that's the part of the conversation I want to hear about. If she didn't, she should have.


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