Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: What Would a Conservative Media Look Like?

Sunday, June 05, 2005

What Would a Conservative Media Look Like?

As the liberal media take their congratulatory laps in the wake of Deep Throat's unmasking and the nostalgia of Watergate journalism (conveniently forgetting that they were completely uninterested in pursuing that story at the time, at least until the wrongdoing of the Nixon Administration was so blindingly obvious that it could no longer be ignored--how else would a couple of no-name reporters like Woodward and Bernstein have broken so much of the career-making material?), I got to wondering what the media landscape would look like if, instead of the liberal media we're told we have now, we had a conservative media.

When the President told us we had to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein had a hand in 9/11 and threatened the U.S. with his weapons of mass destruction, a conservative media wouldn't have bothered to check into the veracity of the claims and would simply have taken him at his word.

When it turned out that Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction that could threaten us or anybody else, instead of reminding us that the Bush administration had lied to us by insisting that Iraq had to be invaded (and invaded now) because of its overwhelming threat, a conservative media would simply have gone along with the administration when it claimed that we'd really invaded to depose the despotic Saddam Hussein and to bring democracy to the Iraqi people all along.

When Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill resigned and on his way out provided a behind-the-scenes view of how the fix was in inside the Bush Administration, a conservative media would have ignored him.

When Richard Clarke revealed that the Bush Administration routinely ignored warnings about Osama bin Laden, al Queda, and terrorism in general until September 11, a conservative media would have blown him off.

When unfounded questions about Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's military service were raised by a shady group of campaign operatives, a conservative media would have explored them in minute detail, all the while ignoring other questions raised about unaccounted time missing from the sitting president's reserve military service.

I'm getting a headache. Maybe I'll take a few minutes to get a breath of fresh air and join the liberal media's self-congratulation.


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