Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: The Fictional Cost of Living

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Fictional Cost of Living

I missed this the first time it was around last week, but thanks to the magic that is Tom Peyer's Superfrankenstein, here it is now. Ever wonder how much it would cost to be Batman? The good folks at Forbes, apparently finding themselves with too much time on their hands, have figured it out (and if you're wondering, no, you can't afford it). At that Forbes piece, there's also a link to a previous estimate (in the vein of's TV dad salaries we talked about last week) of the net worth of fifteen fictional millionaires. Seeing this list brings to mind John Walton, an heir to the Wal-Mart fortune who died in an air crash earlier this week. His net worth (which was just a fraction of the worth of all the Sam Walton heirs, remember) was estimated to be $20 billion. Even though the Forbes list includes such luminaries as Montgomery Burns, Thurston Howell III, Bruce Wayne, Scrooge McDuck, and Charles Foster Kane, only two fictional figures are estimated to have more money than he did: Richie Rich and Santa Claus.


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