Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: A Rather Unpleasant Subject

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Rather Unpleasant Subject

I generally try to run a nice, respectable, family-friendly blog here. I try to keep the language pleasant, the subject matter above board, and the tone reasonable. I have an 11-year-old nephew who on occasion has demonstrated enough familiarity with the blog that I suspect he drops in from time to time, and I don't particularly want him to find anything that might cause him concern (any more than the current political climate has been enough to cause any clear-thinking person concern). But every now and then something comes long that's so sharp and so funny that you just have to link to it.

Over on his site and at AMERICAblog, Cliff Schecter has been pushing a video from Brave New Films that collects a nice montage of clips from Fox News that go beyond the pale of what you'd expect to find in a responsible news broadcast. To let everybody know just what's in the video, it's cleverly entitled Fox News Porn. It's a hilarious send up of the double standard of America's favorite conservative shill network. Nothing here was added--it's all straight from Fox News broadcast. It's hot enough that YouTube added an "18 and older" screen, and Digg banned it entirely from their site (although they later relented and reinstated it). Go ahead, take a look. It's even got its own Website. The two-minute film is nothing that you haven't seen on Fox News (not that you'd be watching swill like that). And besides that, it's hilarious.


At 12:00 PM, November 18, 2007, Blogger Stevie T said...

Someone should write a book about hypocrisy in America, the latest example being the Guiliani-Robertson marriage. How does anyone take these people seriously?


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