Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Cribbing from Digby

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cribbing from Digby

There are a couple of good posts over at Hullaballoo today. I've had a long week and I'm tired, so instead of making my brain hurt by trying to come up with a thoughtful post myself, I'm just going to recommend you read over there.

First off, in a post on Republican machismo and whatever "Daddy" appeal they see in Fred Thompson, she quotes fairly extensively from a New Republic cover story on the former Tennessee senator and faux New York district attorney. But in setting all that up, she also passes along this little tidbit from The Wimp Factor by Stephen J. Ducat:

By far the most compelling confirmation of the phallic meaning of the president's aircraft-carrier cakewalk was found on the hot-selling "George W. Bush Top Gun action figure" manufactured by Talking Presidents. I originally ordered one to use as part of the cover design for this book. The studly twelve-inch flyboy not only comes with a helmet and visor, goggles and oxygen mask, but underneath his flight suit is a full "basket" --- a genuine fake penis, apparently constructed with lifelike silicone.

Wow, I had no idea. I'm surprised the toy company didn't advertise that feature (or maybe it did--this is from its Website [italics mine: "The flight outfit comes with pouches, pockets, straps, buckles and all the accessories of an original"). The company also has an Ann Coulter doll. I wonder, does that one have a "basket," too?

If you're already over at Hullaballoo, you might also take a look at tristero's examination of the John Birch Society. For a number of years, the group has been the epitome of extreme fringe politics, but earlier this week, a John Birch spokesman showed up on Headline News to chat up Glenn Beck about illegal immigration. That got people's attention, to say the least, so tristero decided to take a look back. Keep in mind that Birch members are so far to the right that even conservative Republicans usually consider them beyond the pale. Here are a few of their positions from the late '60s:

1. The abolition of the graduated income tax.

2. The repeal of social security legislation.

3. The impeachment of various high government officials,

4..The end to busing for the purpose of school integration.

5. The end to U.S. membership in the United Nations.

Read the whole post for tristero's discussion of why those positions seem so oddly familiar.


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