Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: A Little Bit More Information

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Little Bit More Information

[UPDATED below]

There's a new twist to the little dust up between Senator-elect Jim Webb and the Prez. We already know that at a White House function Bush sought out Webb to ask him about his "boy." Jimmy Webb is a marine currently serving in Iraq, and it turns out he recently had an extremely close call. Three marines were killed when a vehicle next to the younger Webb was blown up. So it's not surprising that his father was a shade touchy in discussing the son's well-being. But it may be surprising (or it may not, depending on your opinion of the Commander in Chief) that the Prez was well aware of this himself. A diary at Daily Kos first reported that Representative Jim Moran, a Democrat from Virginia, claimed:

Not only did Bush know about it, he was specifically briefed on the incident before meeting with Webb, and was cautioned to be extra sensitive in speaking with Webb about his son.

And Think Progress confirmed the quote with the congressman. So what are we to conclude but that the Prez sought Webb out to exacerbate his concern about his son? I suppose there is another option, though. Maybe "That's not what I asked you, how's your boy?" is Bush being extra sensitive.

UPDATE--In comments, Dirk recommends reading Michael Kinsley in Monday's Slate, which is a good idea. Kinsley discusses the misadventures of the Bush twins and their reaction (or lack of same) to the whole situation in Iraq, comparing that to the Webb family's response to the war. Truth to tell, I'd intended to mention Barb and Jenna myself and link back to Kinsley, but when I sat down to write last night, that part of my plan slipped my mind entirely. Thanks to Dirk for returning it to my attention.


At 2:22 AM, December 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point to Michael Kinsley's peice from Slate as a follow-up of sorts

At 2:57 PM, December 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What good are aristocrats if they won't even bash in the head of some hapless villain every once in a while? If the girls don't want to go overseas and fight they could at least devote one night a week to waterboarding the enemy combatants here in the US. Personally, I prefer the one's who kill. It helps remind the ones left to clear the rubble who's in charge.

At 12:05 PM, December 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, I'd even be satisfied if the twins were blowing soldiers, sailors, airmen or marines instead of out-of-work Argentineans

At 4:02 PM, December 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not going to say I have a video of just that, but I've got one less Xmas gift to shop for.


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