Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Even Dirtier Tricks

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Even Dirtier Tricks

I wrote last night about questionable tactics by Republican robo calls, but Kos has the transcript of a robo call threatening voters with arrest if they try to vote tomorrow. Other voters are receiving calls telling them that their polling place has changed. Anybody who has a bit more grounding in the law than I do is welcome to explain how this isn't outright fraud.

Another problem that some Virginia voters may have tomorrow is seeing Senate candidate Jim Webb's name. According to an e-mail from the Webb campaign that Kos passes on, ballots in two counties have his name either cut off or split between two pages of the ballot. Let's hope that enough voters are paying attention to boot George Allen out anyway.

One more funny story about robo calls--it's illegal to use robo calls in Indiana, but such calls are too effective a weapon for the parties to dump them altogether. When you put your mind to it, it's not too hard to come up with workarounds. Somebody had the bright idea of outsourcing the calls. Sure, you run into the problem of the callers having heavy foreign accents, but how better to spotlight the problem of illegal immigration? (From Attytood, via Talking Points Memo.)


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