Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: Know Your Bloggers

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Know Your Bloggers

I haven't been a good blogger lately. Whenever a thought vaguely starts to form in our minds, bloggers are supposed to go and write about it. Immediately. Without waiting. Without thinking. If there are any corrections to be made, they can be made later. Getting it on the Web now is supposed to be the be-all and end-all of blogging. Well, I saw this the other day and kept meaning to write about it and to post it, but foolishly, I wanted to read the article first. I'm sorry. That's very irresponsible of me, and I may be facing charges from my local of the United Blog Workers.

But be that as it may, better late than never. One of the most popular of the current crop of Daily Kos's bloggers, and surely one of the most linked and quoted as well, Georgia10 was outed this week on the cover of the Chicago Reader. It turns out she's a 23-year-old law student at DePaul University who lives in my neighborhood. The story is an interesting example of how the Blogocracy is in many ways a meritocracy. She's achieved her readership in the hundreds of thousands by writing a lot of high-quality posts that grabbed our attention. She's got interesting things to say, and she expresses them extremely well. She started off as unknown as any of us, but she set her mind to writing excellent political commentary and rose from there. Apparently she'll be finishing law school and taking the bar this summer. Good luck to her, though I hope this doesn't signal an end to her blogging career.


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