Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Myself to Death: A Closer Look at Social Security

Friday, April 29, 2005

A Closer Look at Social Security

Don Byrd at Article 19 is devoting his weekend to examining the ins and outs of Social Security reform. He's off to a good start with his first post:

So, the President, the one who does nothing about global warming projections that may drown our coastal cities in 150-200 years; the one that does nothing about North Korea and Iran getting weapons that could threaten the very existence of Western Civilization; the one that has done nothing to fix the budget he has left in such disrepair that the public debt in 2050 will be a far greater concern than some social security shortfall. In other words, our President has paid no mind whatsoever to any number of legitimate looming catastrophes; and yet, this potential fender-bender, almost 50 years down the road, has consumed the first 100 days of his second term.

I'll be checking in with him over the next few days.


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